About us
Embracing Complexity brings together organisations working to facilitate evidence-based inclusion of neurodivergent people.
The Embracing Complexity research aims to identify barriers that lead to the social exclusion of neurodivergent people and effective ways of removing them. We hope that research that moves beyond the boundaries created by diagnostic categories and is informed by the priorities of the community will contribute to making society inclusive for neurodivergent people.
We are a coalition of over 60 organisations - including charities, research bodies, Royal Colleges and social enterprises - working towards a world where every neurodivergent person can achieve their potential. We believe we can reach that goal more effectively by working together.
Top 10 Priorities for Research on Neurodivergence
We carried out a priority-setting for research on neurodivergence.
Please click here to learn about the identified priorities: Embracing Complexity Top 10 Priorities
What do we mean by "neurodivergent people"?
Neurodivergent - the term describes a group of people whose ways of processing information, behaving, and experiencing their environment differ from the statistical majority.
Embracing Complexity works predominantly with people whose neurodivergence overlaps with neurodevelopmental diagnostic categories such as Autism, ADHD, Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), Learning Disability, and Tourette’s.
We use "neurodivergent people" as an umbrella term, but we acknowledge that different people within this group will use a wide range of terms to describe themselves.
Neurotypical refers to the part of the population, whose ways of processing information, behaving, and experiencing their environment falls within the dominant cultural standards of “normal”.
Our members